Saturday, November 18, 2006

"We Jammin, Bop Shoo Wah"

We've finally arrived in Cromwell and moved into the Wallace residents. Denise and I have our own little sleep-out and are working at Fusee Rouge Cafe. It didn't take long find a replacement for Ben as you can see...


During our Air NZ flight from the N. Isl. to the S. Isl., Denise and I struck up a conversation with a man sitting next to us and ended up scoring a lift from the airport right to our hostel doorstep. Although we only had one evening to kill in Xchurch, our time was well spent, cruising around CitySquare and enjoying the beautiful scenery. By now, Denise was starting to feel better while I was just grateful to get out of my beer-soaked pants. One more night without sleep for me.

Plane after plane...

Well, during appx. 20 hours of flying with stop-overs in Honolulu and Fiji, Denise managed to remain ill the entire time with air sickness. Luckily, she was able to find a comfortable position on the cramped Fijian jet and slept through the majority of our travels; meanwhile, I struggled to fall asleep until a fellow passenger donated a Gravol and a passing stuardess kindly cracked a Fiji Bitter to quench my thirst. I woke about an hour later with the can of beer upside-down in my lap and the potent smell of warm beer soaked through my pants and plane seat. Good times....